I promise you I haven't forgotten about this blog. The past few weeks just went a little crazy! As most of you know, I took a year off of teaching because I started my own wedding business. I decided that teaching is what I do want to do and that the wedding business will just be a side job, so I started looking for teaching jobs earlier this year for this upcoming school year, and nothing was out there. With school districts making cuts, it's a very hard time for teachers to find jobs. Luckily, two weeks ago I got a phone call from a school to come in an interview for a kindergarten teacher position! I was offered the position and in less then 3 days, I had to come up with lesson plans and get a classroom in order!
So I've been a bit cranky, but I defiently am enjoying my class so far. I'm not used to getting up and working all day and then coming home and continuning to work on lesson plans, etc.
So, yes, I'm still here, and no I didn't give up on this blog. I'm going to *start* to reguraly post again.
Here I go again..........
The purpose of this blog is to by my "journal" of my journey. It will
include what I ate and recipes and all that fun stuff.
The ...
1 comment:
Good luck with the new gig and trying to figure out how to balance it all... including the blog! :-)
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