Kiley is 8 months today! Where is this time going? 2 months ago, I said I couldn't believe you were a half of a year old and NOW you are only 4 months away from being a year old. Time to start planning that party!
So what's new with you this month little bug? So much, again =) I love watching you grow everyday. You are an expert at rolling, if only you could make Mommy and Daddy some money by competing in rolling Olympics for babies! =)
You are SO close to crawling, you can get up on your knees now and rock a few times, but then you like to flop back down to your belly! Sometimes you get mad, because you really want something but can't figure out to get to it. No teeth yet, still waiting on those.
You love your Puffs and all the fun little snacks you can get now! You even tried some homemade ham last night and you loved it! You are loving jumping in your jumper, you go CRAZY! When we tell you jump, you jump! We also just bought you a walker, that you took a few steps with, but you like to hit the buttons better right now so it makes some noise. You have this fascination with playing with your baby food jar lids or any type of lid for that matter! You love to grab everything in your sight, your favorite things that you really try to get though are Daddy's cool new TV remote and Mommy's I-Phone.
The biggest change this month is that you are waving! On command waving also! As soon as someone says Hi or Bye to you, you wave! So cute! You keep waving to Puggie and look very confused as to why she isn't waving back to you.
You love to play a game, I'm not really sure what to call it. But you like when we scream, happy screams of course, and you scream them back at us. Yesterday while outside you heard your echo and you liked it. You started screaming at people at the grocery store as well, so they pay attention to you, such a ham!
Anyways, once again, I can't wait to see what you do in the next month.
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